Detoxify from the Toxic Emotions

Detoxify from the Toxic Emotions

“Toxic Emotion destroys your Health, Mental Peace, and your Relationship, and finally kills You…”

“Be Free form Toxic Emotions”

In psychology, toxic emotion is a general term for negative emotions which have an adverse effect on a person’s physical and mental health. Toxic emotions change brain chemistry and person experiences immediate and long term effects on mental and physical health. These are in fact, killer emotions.

People who experienced chronic anxiety, long periods of sadness and pessimism, anxiety, tension, anger, hostility or suspiciousness were found to have double the risk of physical disease-including asthma, arthritis, peptic ulcers, headaches and heart disease.

Toxic emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, shame, regret, envy, resentment are embedded deep inside your soul. They become enemy within, and acidify your life, poisoning your relationships with others, spoil your health and make you less productive.

1. Anger

Anger seems to be the one emotion that does most harm to the heart. Hostility puts people at risk this is the reason why Type A personality is at greater risk from heart disease. Studies indicating that those who were most aggressive and hostile at the outset suffered the highest rate of second heart attacks.

When hostility becomes as constant as to define as antagonistic personal style-one marked by repeated feeling of mistrust and more frequent sessions of temper and rage. Anger becomes a real problem if it transforms into violence. The hopeful news is that chronic anger and hostility is a habit that can be changed. Emotional intelligence teaches, particularly mindfulness of anger, the ability to regulate it and empathy. For frustrating encounters, you learn the ability to see things from the other perspective-empathy is a balm for anger.

2. Fear

Every surgeon knows that people who are extremely scared do terribly in surgery. They bleed too much, they have more infections and complications and they have a harder time recovering. It is much better if they are calm. The reason is straightforward-panic fear and anxiety raise blood pressure, and veins distended by pressure bleed more profusely when cut by the surgeon.

You should overcome your toxic fear and learn to face it by challenging and rational thinking.  

3. Regret

A constant state of sadness discomfort and regret can paralyze you. Many people are living with the weight of regret. They blame themselves and feel a sense of loss or sorrow at what might have been or wants to undo a previous choice that they made. This self-blame attitude triggers chronic stress that damage mind and body. Long term regret leads to depression and affect overall well-being.

You have to keep it in your mind that there are circumstances over which you don’t have control, so stop blaming yourself. Focus on what you can do now in present and in future. Make a peace with your past.

4. Guilt

When people do wrong they feel guilt or by intentional violation of the law feeling of guilt occurs.

If you feel sorry or ask for forgiveness you can overcome with guilt.

5. Envy

People with envy do not celebrate the success of others which leads them down the path of bitterness.

Be openhearted, generous and appreciate others. Learn to be unique, don’t compare with others.

6. Jealous

It is a fear of losing someone or something you have in your possession. It becomes toxic when it involves threats, control and prohibition.

To overcome toxic jealous, apply a simple law of attraction and respect-everything you respect will come closer to you, and everything you don’t respect will eventually go away.

7. Shame

Feeling of shame, embarrassment, and fear of looking ridiculous or silly are often prevents you from fulfilling your goals and dreams. Due to toxic shame people start doubting their own capabilities and give up. People develop depression and even feel like they have no reason to live.

To overcome toxic shame, learn to laugh at your own mistakes and belief that making a mistake actually makes you learn something new. People should understand that the person who tries to embarrass you does this because of his insecurities.

8. Grief

When people face any big tragedy or loss of their beloved in life they feel themselves in the emotional hell of stagnation. Due to toxic grief people become unable to regain control of their life and healing process slows down.

To overcome toxic grief you would be able to close the door to the past, and move on with your life.

9. Anxiety

Anxiety-the distress evoked by life’s pressures-is perhaps the emotion with the greatest weight on well-being. In modern life, anxiety is more often out of proportion and out of place. Repeated bouts of anxiety signal high levels of stress. The brain itself is susceptible to the long term effects of sustained stress. Stress and anxiety have been found to weaken our immune system and are greater enough to open the ways to disease.

The physical side effects of mental stress and anxiety-the high-pressure jobs and high-pressure lives-are being pinpointed at an anatomically fine-grained level. Understandably, health risk seems greatest for those whose jobs are high in ‘strain’-having high-pressure performance demands.

People should detoxify themselves form anxiety by adopting healthy lifestyle and positive attitude towards life’s challenges.

10. Stress

Stress is highest for those individuals who are uncertain as to whether they will win or lose and lowest for those who think that losing or wining is a certainty.

Stress is like electric power; it can make a bulb light up and provide brilliant illumination. However, if the voltage is higher than what bulb takes, it can burn out the bulb.

To manage stress, you learn to apply few stress busting activities like laughter, music, meditation and sports which provide you a shield against harming effects of stress.


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