Phobia-An Irrational Fear

PHOBIA-An Irrational Fear

“Don’t Feed Your Fears”

“Action cures fear, inaction creates terror”

A phobia is a persistent and unreasonable, fear of a particular object, activity or situation that presents no actual danger or the danger is magnified out of its actual seriousness.

Phobias are the most common type of anxiety disorder. Common symptoms of phobia are anxiety, sweating, trembling, hot flushes, shortness of breath, nausea, a sensation of butterfly in stomach, numbness, a need to go to the toilet etc.

People with phobias often purposefully avoid coming into contact with the things or situation that causes them fear. Patient realizes that the fear is absurd but is unable to overcome. Phobia is thus, a neurotic life style.

Phobias are more common among females than males. Rates of phobia are about twice as high for females as male.

Types of Phobia

Today, phobias are grouped into three general categories: 1. Specific Phobia; 2. Social Phobia (Social Performance); 3. Agoraphobia (Market place).

1. Agoraphobia: Fear of being trapped in an inescapable place. People with this type of phobia avoid entering crowded streets, market place or stores, driving through tunnels or on bridges, traveling on public transportation and using elevators and lifts.

As a result phobic individuals may begin to avoid such places and even fears to leave their home. They go out only in the company of close relatives or friends but even in the company of others they may continue to feel anxious. Agoraphobia individuals are often dependent.

2. Social Phobia

People with this type of phobia experience fear and embarrassment in dealing with others, fear of public speaking and of eating in public, writing in front of others, functioning inadequately or inappropriately when others are watching.

Such normal social fears are inconvenient, but the people who have them manage to function adequately, since most people with these phobias keep their fears secret.

Shyness is often mistaken for social phobia, shy people, however, don’t experience the terror felt by those with social phobic. The personal lives of these people suffer greatly. They have no friends, having no one with whom to share experiences increases their risk for stress related disorders.

3. Specific Phobia

It is specific persistent fear of a specific object or situation other than being in public places (agoraphobia) or in society/socially embarrassing situations (social phobia). People with this disorder experience immediate fear, sometimes even pain.

Agoraphobia (open places, market place, crowed streets/stores, using elevators, bridges, driving through tunnels),

Hydro phobia/Aqua phobia (fear of water)

Xenophobia (fear of strangers)

Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed places)

Acrophobia (fear of heights)

Zoophobia (fear of animals)

Aerophobia /Aviophobia (fear of flying)

Hemophobia ( fear of blood)


The three major behavioral approaches are popularmethod of treatment.

I. Desensitization has 3 phases.

a. Relaxation training.

b. Construction of a fear hierarchy.

c. Graded pairing of feared objects and relaxation responses.

II. Flooding: in flooding or implosive therapy, patients are repeatedly exposed to feared objects or situations and are made to see that they are actually harmless.

III. Graded Participation or participant modeling is the most effective modeling technique in which clients observe and repeat the therapist’s action in the situation they fear. Therapist’s support, reasoning and reinforcement are helpful to change a client’s behavior.




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