Secrets and Surprises of Power Nap

Secrets & Surprises of Power Nap

Are you exhausted? Do you need to be recharged?

Don’t take caffeine or chocolate. Napping can actually be healthier than these, since caffeine can decrease memory performance. You might get a burst of energy from it, but at the cost of lower-quality work performance.

“When all else fails, take a Nap”.

“When life knocks you down, just stay there and take a nap”.

“A nap is always a good idea”.

Power Nap Benefits

A power nap will boost your energy level, memory power, creativity and other cognitive functions. It can also lead to more alertness and better mood. Many employers have recognized the benefits of power naps on work performance. Today, many companies offer opportunities to nap at work and offer dedicated spaces for power nap.

By power naps you reset the system. It restores mental alertness and you find an increase in your motor performance after taking power nap. Research has found that napping regularly reduce stress level and even decrease your risk of heart disease. 

Power napping can help us return to our day more focused, present and productive. Daytime naps can be one way to treat sleep deprivation. You can get incredible benefits from 15-20 minutes of power naps.

Types of Power Naps

1. The Nano Nap: The shortest form of napping. It only takes 10-20 sec. during a train or bus trip. Benefits are not known.

2. The Micro Nap: 2-5 minutes. This form of napping is shown to be surprisingly effective at shedding sleepiness, reduce tiredness.

3. The Mini Nap: 5-20 minutes. Increases alertness, stamina, motor learning and motor performance and are very effective in boosting your brain power.

4. The Original Power Nap: Power nap takes around 20 minutes. This form of napping includes the benefits of the micro naps and the mini naps, but additionally improves memory of LTM information (remembering facts, events and names), mood, efficiency and alertness level will improve greatly.

Taking between 5 and 30 minutes power nap is optimum for improving productivity and mental performance. It can also boost your creativity and reduce stress level. Make a routine and see the brain boosting benefits of power nap.


Other types of Naps

1. 10-20 minutes: This power nap is ideal for a boost in alertness and energy.

2. 30 minutes: This may cause sleep inertia, a hangover like groggy feeling that last for up to 30minutes after waking up.

3. 60 minutes: This nap is best for improving in remembering facts, faces and names.

4. 90 minutes: This leads to improved emotional and procedural memory and creativity.

Napping Tips-How to take Power Nap

To get the most out of power nap, follow few tips:

i. Keep a regular nap schedule. Prime napping time falls in the middle of the day, between 1 pm-3 pm.

ii. Nap in a dark room. Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and let your body muscles relaxed.

iii. The key to successful power napping is duration. So make it quick. Set alarm for 20-30 minutes or less if you don’t want to wake up groggy and tired. Too much log takes you into deep sleep mode.

iv. The perfect time to take power nap is in afternoon after lunch and before 3 pm. Napping after 3 pm could have an adverse effect on your night’s sleep.

v. After taking power nap, get right back to your work. Get some sunlight on your face or splash some water on your face to let your body know that nap time is over.

vi. Let me remind you that power nap is not for everyone. If you suffer from insomnia or have trouble sleeping at night, don’t take nap because it can confuse your body clock, disrupt an already dysfunctional routines.





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